Kasur is located in Punjab, Pakistan and it is considered a potential hub of the leather industry as it has long history in production of leathers goods since Mughul Era.

Centuries old leather indusrty optimized to best tailor your business needs

This centuries of craftsmanship has enabled the the Leather Industry of Kasur to served wide range of customer demands from all over the world to the point that every other article you buy from famous designer outlets it will surely have its root in Kasur.  The tanning industry of Kasur is a vital earning source for Pakistan through the foreign exchange of leather goods such as boots, jackets, sports material, handbags, and other products. These leather products are manufactured in the country and then exported  all over the world,where they ultimately end up in famouse designer outlets.


Through modern leather tanning methods and waste treatment techniques the impact on environment has been reduced significantly. However, we strive to make the leather tanning process as environment friendly as possible.